Id Cigarettes App for Android

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Id Cigarettes App for Android:

The Id cigarettes app is the useful to stop the smoking habits and e-cigarettes also. This is the paradise for the smoking habits people.

Plenty of people are release their smoking habit for using to this app. This app used people are quit smoking within 6 months or 6 days.

This is the 95% successful for all the smokers. So the smoking people don’t hesitate to using this app, immediately download this app, and make the life very comfortable and happier.

The quit sure app is the quit smoking habits very smartly. This app using people are quit their smoking habits in 30 attempts.

The smoking habits are one of the addiction to all the people, this is affect the health and lots of mental disorder.

The quit sure smoke app is give the best results for the people. This app programs are more innovative and get the all psychological guidance.

More than the 5, 00,000 smokers are given the feedback to this app to stop the smoking habits. They are all are ex-smokers.

This app services are available in 24*7. This is the 100% money guarantee app for the people.

This app is to give the 6 days transformation program to involve the thousands of people and this app service is going to more than 75 countries in the world.

The starting of this app is to get the lots of questions to the smokers. This questions are useful to give the better solution for this app. So the smokers are given the correct answers to this question to get the better guide.

The common questions are asking for the smokers are such as the techniques have you used to try and quit? The smokers are select any one of the option to this app, the option are given such as the cold turkey, cutting down slowly, nicotine gums/patches, vaping, hypnotherapy.

The question are the of these smoking related health issues are you currently facing? Tiredness, shortness of breath, asthma, regular cough, cancer, mood issues.

The smokers are choose their problem and go to the next question as well. The total of 20 questions are asking for the smokers to this app.

The smokers are select their all the problems to this app questions. This app are given the features to the smokers are the 6 day program for the transformation to their life.

Daily exercises, instruction, personal coaching for the chat related quires. Give the simple tools for the long term success.

The quit sure app is to give the 50% for their subscribers are the 2399 rupees in one month program. This is enough for all the smokers to quit the smoking habits.

The quit sure subscribers are get the videos and instruction for ad free to this app.

The smokers are select the message based guide or the video based guide to this app. The video based guide are very clear to understand in 3D animation as well.

The smokers are choose their favorite language to deliver all the guide and instruction are that language.

The daily exercises and instruction are available in just 5 to 15 minutes in a day. The step by step guide for daily videos are upload regularly.

The smokers are don’t miss their daily videos to this app. This videos are spread the positivity to the people and don’t fear to stop the smoking.

This videos are given the details for the psychology to behind the continue for smoking. So the mind changing is very easy to see that videos and guide.

The daily videos are see the smokers in daily, at last the final day the smokers are surely to stop the smoking and vaping.

This app is provide for the smokers to the specialist coaches for quit the smoking. This app is to give the psychology and neuro science, behavioral science to release the mental addiction for smoking.

To improve this techniques easy to avoid the smoking and quit smoking for the smokers. This is the fantastic technology to stop smoking.

This app users are never start the smoke once they are stop smoking. So the plenty of family members are very happy to help the quit smoking habits for their relatives or family members.

So this is the special app for all the people in the world, to quit smoking process. The 20000 smoke free members are available in the Facebook app. This all are this app users.

Version 6.1
Updated on 15th march 2024
downloads 1000000+
Download size 22.46MB
Required OS Android 5.0 and up
In app purchase 5.00 to 7499 per item
Offer by Quit sure
Released on 21stJuly 2020

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